what is univers full definition with full explanation simple.

what is univers full definition with full explanation simple.


Covered topics.
What is big bang theory? 
What is black hole? 
What is satellites? 
Types of satellites? 
What is sun? 
What is solar system? 
What are constellation? 
What is milky way? 
Nearest star to milkey way? 
Biggest shortest Brightest coldest, planets? 
What are comets? 
What is the distance between earth to sun?
What is celestial bodies? 

The big bang theory, Black hole, comets, constellations, satellites, solar system planets, so let's learn first see what is universe.


        2.  universe
The study of universe is called?

what is universe simple definition?
The universe is defined as the totality of everything that exists all physical matters  and energy, like the planets stars, galaxy, is known as universe.

what is Galaxy?
A galaxy may be a vast system of billions of stars, dust light gases bound by their own gravity.

how many stars are their in glaxy?
There are 100 billions within the universe and every galaxy has, on the typical 100 billions stars.

what is the name of our glaxy ?
our galaxy is milky way Galaxy (or the akasha ganga) formed after the Big Bang theory.

which is the nearest Galaxy to milky way?
Andromeda is the closest star  to milky way.

The big bang theory.

what is big bang theory?
Big bang was an explosion of concentrated matters within the universe that occurred 15 billion years ago resulting in the formation of galaxies of stars and other heavenly bodies it is believed that universe should be filled with radiation ie the cosmic background explore COBE and the Wilkinson's microwave Anistrophy probe (WMP)

Black hole.


what re black hole? black hole simple definition?

stars having mass greather than three times of the sun have very hinged gravitational power so that light cannot escape its gravity and hence called black hole.


what is constellation? Define constellation?
The sky is split into units to enable the astronomers to spot the position of stars. These units are called constellation. These units called constellation their are 88 known constellations.

Example. Ursa major, URSA minor, 


what is satellite?Define satellites?

satellites are the heavenly that revolves around the planets moon is the natural satellite of the earth.

There are two types of satellites.

1)man made satellites.(or artificial satellites.)
2)natural satellites.

What is natural satellites.?
A natural satellites are the satellites which are made by nature is called natural satellites. Or artificial satellites.

What is man made satellites.?
A satellite which are maked by man are called man made satellites.

What is solar system.?
Solar system.
The solar system consists sun and eight planets and their satellites and thousands of other smaller heavenly bodies such as asteroids, comets and meteorites.you will learn about them in down.

What is sun ?
The sun at the center of the solar system and all these bodies revolve around it. 

What is celestial bodies? 
All objects that are in universe are called celestial bodies.

How much sun light takes to reach earth surface.?
8 min and 16.6 sec 

What is the Diameter of the sun.?
1391980 km 

What is the average distance from the Earth? 

What is the temperature of the core.? 

What is the rotation speed of the sun with respect to poles ?
25.38 days (with respect to equcator)33days (with respect to poles)

Important facts about universe. 
Which is the biggest planet.?

Which is the biggest satellite?

Which is known as blue planet? 

Which is the green planet?

Which is the Brightest planets?

Brightest planet outside of solar system? 
Sirius(dog star )

Closets star of solar system? 
Proxima centauri 

Which is the closest planet? 

Evening star 

Farthest planet from sun 

Planet with maximum number of satellites? 
Saturn (overtaking Jupiter

Fastest revolution in solar system ? 

Hottest planets 

Densests plants? 

Fastest rotation in solar system?

Morning star 

Nearest planet to sun? 

Red planets 

Slowest revolution in solar system? 

Slowest rotation in solar system? 

Smallest planets 

Smallest satellites
Deimos (mars)

Earth's twin 

Only satellites with an atmosphere like earth? 

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