Physical Change and Chemical Change Class 7 NCRT Science Ch 6 Full Explanation with Definition and Example.

Physical Change and Chemical Change Class 7 NCRT Science Ch 6 Full Explanation with Definition and Example.

physical changes and what's chemical change.

         Covered topics.

What is physical change and chemical changes.?
What is slow change?

what is fast changes?

Types of changes? 

How many types of changes are there?

How many types of changes are there?
There are three types of changes are.

1)slow and fast change
2)Reversible and irreversible change
3)physical and chemical change

Now let's study them in detail one by one.

           What is physical change?

1)Physical changes.

Ans A changes during which no new substance are formed is understood as a physical changes

so let's understand more about physical changes with the assistance of example.

Simple Example of physical changes are.

1)Bending a copper wire into different
shapes may be a phase change s here are copper doesn't become another substance that's way it's physical change.

2)Breaking of chalk may be a physical changes because by doing no new substance is made.

3)Breaking of glass tumbler may be a phase change here when the glass breaks its size shapes and skill to carry water and lost but no new substance gets formed
I hope you all understand what's physical changes so let's examine chemical changes.

2)Chemical changes

These sort of changes during which a replacement substance gets formed is named a chemical process 
So let's understand more about chemical process with the assistance of following examples.

Easy Example of chemical changes.

1)Burning of wood is chemical process 
before the wood is burnt it's hard and brown in colour after burning it's produces smoke and changes into wood charcoal and ash which are black and powdery.

2)change of milk into curd may be a chemical process milk may be a liquid after curding changes into a semi solid material which features a different tast

3)Rusting of iron may be a chemical 
changes iron is grey solid which gets attracted by a magnet after rusting the surface of iron gets covered with a brown solid which isn't not attracted by magnet
So guys I hope you all understand the term meaning of phase change or chemical process so let's examine some.

Difference between physical changes 
and chemical changes.

Physical changes

No new substance is made the substance may change its appearance physical state
Ex tearing of paper
Freezing of water
Glowing of bulb
Melting of ice
Chemical changes
new substance with different properties is made.

Example of chemical changes
Burning wood
Souring milk.
Mixing acid and base.
Digesting food.
Cooking an egg.

Slow and fast change

Let's compare these two types of changes

Slow change 
The change, that takes place in a longer duration of time, time are called slow changes.

 Some examples.
Changes of seasons
Growth of a planets 
Rusting of iron 

Fast changes 
The changes that takes place quickly or in other duration of time are called fast changes. 

Some examples of fast changes are: 
Burning of paper 
Lighting of bulb 
Cutting of apple

Reversible and irreversible changes.

A changes in which the substance obtained can back to the original forms is called a reversible change.

These are temporary changes which can be reversed when the causes of the changes is removed.

Some examples of reversible change are 
Freezing of water 
Stretching of rubber string.

Irreversible changes
A changes in which the substances produced cannot gets back to the original forms is called an irreversible changes.

These are permanent changes which cannot be reversed even if the cause of the changes is removed. 

Some examples of irreversible changes are : 

Changing of dough into chappatis. 

Making a dress from single pieces  of cloths.

getting older.

Questions and answers realeated to physical changes and chemical changes and reversible change and irreversible changes.?

Q1Burning of fule is which changes ?
Ans Fast change

Q2Rusting of iron is which change ?
Ans slow change

Q3Glowing of a bulb is a reversible change 
Ans False 

Q4Deforestation is an reversible change ?
Ans False 

Q5 Burning of paper is a temporary change?

Q6Cutting of an apple is chemical change?

Q7Making of fruit salad is a chemical change?
Ans False 

Q8Changing milk into curd is a physical change ?
Ans False 

Q9Evaporation of water is a 
Ans Physical change

Q10One example of irreversible changes ?
Growth of a child 

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